Thursday, November 12, 2009

BlahBlah & 10 Random Things

Nothing new to say, really, except that today I'll be paying my recruiting fee and that I'm still practicing my French. I wish more people did language tags because there's not any information I can find on what the phone 'test' is really even about. I'll post about it when I actually do it, I guess :) Well, as much as I think I'm allowed to post.

Also I forgot to mention that the same day I got accepted was the same day I auditioned for a character role. (I checked my e-mail AFTER the audition just in case it was bad news haha.) I'm not very optimistic about the results or anything but at the same time I don't really care either way at this point because I am dang excited for merchandise.

Also I guess while I have all this free time (I use that term loosely.. I have a lot of school stuff to be doing haha) I'll let you know 10 facts about me :)

1. Meeko shunned me (accidentally) at Disneyland once and it made me cry at the time, so it's my mission to someday get him to sign something and take a picture with me. Meeko, I still love you boo!

2. I have a ridiculously unhealthy obsession with iCarly. Yes, a Nickelodeon show on a Disney blog.. boo me. I'm well aware of how bad the show actually is, but I still love it.. it makes me smile :)

3. I love love LOVE reading. Childrens' lit and classic lit are my favorites, though really I read just about everything.

4. I can play trumpet.. 'fluently' haha. I'm listening to "Full Moon Crazy" (Honor Society) and just hearing the really high trumpet notes hurts my lips. Bah.

5. Lately I've noticed that I tend to call pretty, sunny, comfortably warm days that make me crave Mexican food, "Jason Castro days." There's really no reason for this that I can think of other than that he sings happy songs. Or that his songs make me happy. Either/or.

6. All of my family that is in my generation is partially Puerto Rican. I'm the only fully white one. It makes me sad sometimes haha.

7. I have a cat named George.. he's my baby, and he's the most chill cat you will ever meet. Or not meet. Either way, he's the most chill cat ever.

8. Half the time you think I'm being serious, I'm kidding. Half the time you think I'm kidding, I'm being serious.

9. I've never been to Epcot! Gassssp.

10. I'm not cool enough for 10 facts.. truth.

'Til later! AKA 'Til I actually have something relevant to post :)


  1. I love you.
    And I'm so about to go do this.

  2. Hi Christine -

    I'm a follower of Katie's blog and was directed your way. haha.

    Congrats on getting accepted into the CP! I'm Spring 2010 arriving January 6th. Hopefully I'll get to you see you down there!

    PS I love Jason Castro. hahah.

  3. Haha awesome, thanks for following! :) Returned the favor!

    And likewise! Sweet! I arrive Feb 1st but hopefully we'll still get the chance to hang out sometime :)

    PS You're awesome. hahaha.
