Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Un video pour vous!


  1. HAHAHAHA I LOVE this vlog!

    When do you arrive???

    I'm doing SA too!

  2. Hi!! I'm doing the Disney College Program in January as well! I love ur blog, I'm going to start one too!

    I see u love Disney Channel, I do as well :)

    See u there I suppose!

  3. It's funny how I didn't notice the high pitch noise until you mentioned it. hahaha :)

  4. OMG get out ma head.
    I was going to make a video but I ran out of time before having to leave because I could not for the life of me pick out an outfit for dinner. Fail.

  5. Ashlie: Bahah thank youuu! I'm glad someone enjoys it hahaha. My check-in date is February 1; when is yours??

    Mia: Awesome! & Thanks, & I look forward to reading your blog! I do love Disney Channel.. 'tis a good channel :) We have good taste hahah

    Lyanne: I thought that might happen! Haha sorry! I was contemplating whether or not to mention it hahah ahh weell..

    Katie: Oh em gee! I'm not surprised. We should make a joint one tomorrow. When we hang out. Because that's happening. :)

  6. Also, funny story. I didn't watch your video until just now because I didn't think the people in Starbucks would appreciate it. I'm glad someone asked me about random facts. Spooky vlog similarities. DD:

  7. Hahaha that is pretty spooky D: And what do you mean? People in Starbucks would love being annoyed with nonsense. Psh. (Also you were at Starbucks and didn't tell me? Jerk. /Tears)

  8. The one by my house. Aynsley was meeting up with one of her high school girls to talk, so I just went with her so I could ride with her to my grandmother's.

  9. Oh okay. I GUESS I'll forgive you. Just this once though. :)

  10. Christine - You are freakin hilarious. Like so funny. Seriously. Please be in my life constantly.

  11. Marina - You freakin rock. No but really. I can't wait until your awesome face is in my life. Seriously.
