Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm in Port Orange for now :)

Hiii friends! So I left yesterday morning. I bawled to my mom the night before that I would miss her too much, and that I really did NOT want to do the CP anymore. Of course, I'd do it whether I wanted to or not because at this point it's just something that I have to do, but at that point in time it was one of the last things I wanted. Anyway, after she left the next morning, I surprisingly didn't cry (I did that night, though). I did bawl before I left, though.. I kissed my cats good by so many times I'm pretty sure I stocked them up for the whole six months.

But I left my little town near Atlanta at about 8am and got to Orlando at about 4.30pm - it was a freaking long time to drive by myself, to just be stuck inside my own crazy head for 8 hours with unchanging scenery. Anyway, once I got to Orlando I went to PF Chang's with Katie and we walked around the mall, which was awesome because: a) the mall is totally beast and puts all other malls to shame; b) I love lettuce wraps and hot & sour soup; and c) I missed Katie (I saved the best for last <3 bahahah.) Anyway, from there I went to the Daytona area to where my aunt and uncle live. Today we just hung out and watched Inside Man (which is a really good movie.. and I somehow had already seen it, though I don't know where that happened) and I met my aunt's parents and we all had dinner, and it was nice and relaxing. Tomorrow my aunt's dad is going to take me for a "tour" of Daytona, haha. It will be fun :)

Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well!! And to those of you hoping for Fall '10, good luck!! You can do it! :)

Pretty much my whole drive was this. Yeah, it was pretty awesome. Or not. At least it was sunny!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I leave tomorrow..

I have a feeling that is comparable to the feeling one gets before sky diving. I am so nervous. I'm really scared. And I'm really sad. At the same time, I know it will be worth it in the end.

I hope.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I had a dream Rupert Grint and I were friends. Can that be real life?

So it appears that I'm leaving on Thursday. AKA the day after tomorrow. WEIRD. Where did the time go?? Basically it's raining on Friday and my mom doesn't want me to drive down there in the rain, nor does she want me driving on a Saturday, so I'm going down Thursday; I'll be driving straight down to Orlando to have lunch with Katie at PF Changs (which will be awesome as I miss Katie loads AND I've been wanting Chinese..) and afterwards I'll drive from Orlando to the Daytona area for the rest of the weekend, where I have awesome family that I haven't seen in.. well, possibly EVER, so that will be cool.

The sad thing is that I'm REALLY going to miss my mom. A LOT. I didn't realize I'd be leaving so soon! I mean yes, you know in your head you're leaving but when the time actually comes, you're not ready. Though to be honest I don't think I'd ever really be ready so I guess it doesn't matter, but still. Oh well, I'm coming back, it's not like I'll be gone forever, so it's all okay! I just have to look at it like an adventure :) I'm determined to do an amazing job at whatever I get (even if it's strollers, which is probably will be haha) and I WILL remain positive no matter WHAT. That is my challenge to myself, and I refuse to lose to myself, because that would just be sad. (.. "I had to do it. I dared myself.")

So tonight was my last trip to the mall :( Kinda sad haha. It's totally lame but I practically live at the mall (Katie and I used to go there almost every day and just hang out) so it's almost like my second home hahah. Gosh I'm a loser.. but yeah. Anyway, I had to go to the mall because I had a reservation at the Genius Bar in the Apple store. I don't know if I ever mentioned it here but basically in July or so I had to ..redo my computer (my brain just died) due to internet connection problems - I lost my music, photos, everything. So that was all fine and good because it fixed the problem, until I realized that I didn't have the application disk (iLife) and it's just been kind of a pain in the rump (that was for Katie) without it. I dealt without it because I figured the disk would show up eventually but since I'm leaving for 7 months I decided to see if they could either hook me up with another disk or use their own disk to fix my problem. Turns out they did the latter, which was totally awesome for me because they were saying that I might just have to call Applecare and order it from them (UGH, just a pain.. yes, I complain a lot haha). ANYWAY that was my ordeal. It's been fixed. Thank you, Apple.

So.. yeah. Weird. I guess I'll be updating more but for now I've got nothing to say but that. Oh, and I haven't started packing. Oops. Hahah. My mom's taking off work tomorrow so I'm sure she'll make sure I get it all done. Woot woot. At least Thursday I get to finally find out what's on the mystery CDs, Katie! Hahah.

'Til then! & I hope you guys have been well! :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

8 days - a week (in Beatles' land!) @Katie :)

Hello friends! I hope you've all been well :) We've had some weird weather down here in Georgia; it was spring-like for a few days before it got back to being cold and rainy (aka what I assume London weather to be like.) I hear there's crazy weather all over the place, which is just nuts.

I went for lunch yesterday with my mom at La Madeline, which was nice, as it's one of my favorite places that I never get to go to due to distance (and my mom HATES being on the freeway; it makes her too nervous, which in turn makes ME nervous.. and yeah. But she sucked it up for me this time around :) ). So that was nice.. I also had "spicy" black bean soup (yeah, not spicy.. at all) later on in the day which for some reason was really good; I forgot how much I love it, I guess. And today my mom and I went for breakfast at Einstein's.. mm. I love me some bagels. Legit.

I'm contemplating buying a new camera for this CP, just because my old one has a difficult time taking clear pictures (even in the "nonshaky" mode, or whatever it is.. yeah you guys know what I'm talking about haha.) BUT I don't know, because I don't know if I'll have enough money for it, so I might wait. We'll see, I suppose! I plan on taking pictures of my hometown before I leave because I'm lame, so maybe I'll show you guys that, as well as pictures once I leave. Because I know you all care ;) Bwahaha.

So anyway I have been going CRAZY waiting here; everyone I know who is doing the CP has, for the most part, already gone down, and they post the most fun pictures so it's really hard for me to not get excited.. Only, what? Eight more days? Yeah.. eight more days.. ahh!! EIGHT DAYS!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Hey little mama, ooh, you're a stunner; hot little figure, yes you a winner.." - David Archuleta

Sooo I've still been up to nothing. I woke up this morning feeling not-so-hot. Well, actually, I was really hot.. I think I just have allergies but I was bustin' a serious sweat last night. Anyhoo..

Yesterday I had my "goodbye" meeting with Sarah and Jennifer, AKA the only two people I've made friends with in college. It was really nice, I love them and I'm going to miss them a whole heck of a lot! One thing though, talking to Sarah about classes did make me a little excited to go back to school.. though at the same time I don't think I should be in that college, to be honest. I don't know. I don't know where I'm supposed to be, or what I'm supposed to do. I think I'll just become a dental hygienist to get it over with. I don't know..

But anyway, today my mom and I went to the mall and Target.. again. Bleh. As far as I'm concerned, if I never go into Target again, I'll be okay; I feel like I've memorized every item that Target has in stock right now. BUT while we were in Old Navy, I spotted a bouncy ball dispenser and so I bought a bouncy ball.. as did my mother. We went through the mall and parking lot bouncing them, because we're secretly five years old. And cool.

I've also been playing Sims 3 because I'm a loser with no friends. (No, but really.) It wasn't even after five minutes of playing before my Sim set the oven on fire. I gots skillz.

I'm getting so antsy to go down!! I WANT TO GO DOWN! AH. Also I'm really in the mood to watch Fawlty Towers.

**Also, I don't know how many of you know this, but if your nose is stuffed, do a few push-ups, and it will clear up for a little while.. like maaagic.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


If you're wondering why I'm not posting, it's because I have literally nothing of interest to say.. I'll definitely post much more frequently once I'm in Orlando, so don't worry :) (Or do.. it depends on how you look at it, really, haha.)

So Katie left for WDW today! I hope you liked my ghetto driving CDs, Katie haha. No but really, that's so exciting.. and that means I have exactly two weeks 'til my Disney adventure begins! I think I'm ready. I'm kind of sad about leaving, but really you can only look forward :) So YAY! T-minus two weeks, and I'll make posts that people actually want to read! Bahaha.

In random news, I went to Longhorn with my mom for lunch yesterday, which was nice; I'm trying to get as much 'bonding' time as I can before I leave. We also watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (I saw it in theatres with Katie but my mom never saw it) and I forgot how much I love Harry Potter. I can't wait until the Wizarding World of Harry Potter opens at Universal!! I'm sorry Disney World, but I'm totes cheating on you for Harry; it's not my fault you didn't hop on the Harry Potter train.. er, the Hogwarts Express. Yeah, you see what I did there? Haha.

No but really, I am determined to get off work for the opening. And watching the Half Blood Prince has really made me want to reread the 7th book, which my cat has recently thrown up all over (it's just paperback).. so thanks, George (Weasley). (<-Why I have no friends in real life.. or even on the internet.) (OH MY GOSH he's even a ginger cat - coincidence? ...Well, yes, actually.)

Gosh, well this was a giant nerdfest. I just wanted to let you guys know I'm alive :)

<3 always, Christine and George Weasley cat.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

La. Tee da. Tee da.

If I never shop again, I don't think I'd mind (that's a lie.) I have been shopping so much this weekend, it's ridiculous. I got a professional skirt because I figured that I'd need two (..-ish) 'professional' outfits. I also got a bunch of stuff I don't remember buying.. like toilet paper.. and Dawn.. and a new swimsuit.. stuff like that. I don't know. I don't remember. My brain has kind of quit haha. Shopping, though, is pretty nice, I just feel bad because my mom has to spend all this money on me and though she's more than willing (I wouldn't have gotten half the things I got if it weren't for her insistence) I still feel bad for taking her money.. hopefully I can send up some or something if I get extra hours (my "child support" for George hahaha).

Anyway.. I thought I had more to say but I guess I don't, really. As everyone else updates their blogs with information about check-in, etc, I'm getting REALLY excited. I cannot WAIT to find out my location. And even better, my mom MIGHT be able to drive down with me :) EXCITED! I hope that works out.

Also, George came over and slept on my lap earlier. I'm going to miss this.
(You can click it to view the full size, but it is HUGE.)

In other news.. you're awesome.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I wish those days could come back once more.

So apparently I'm not done CP shopping.. STILL. Hah. I have yet to get bed risers, and some other stuff that I can't remember at the moment. Bleh. It's kind of exciting though.

My mom and I walked to the mall yesterday because we're insane (we live across the street from it, so it's not like we walked terribly far or something). It was really nice, it reminded me of when she and I would walk to the grocery store back in Utah when it snowed and we didn't have a car.. and I was like five. And I wore a dress with tights, thinking the tights would keep me warm. Yeah. I was a special child, hahah. Anyway, it was nice.. good bonding time. :) I got a few clothes for the CP, woot. I also got the finalities of my business uniform, HORRAY! Oh, and the 7th Harry Potter because Waldenbooks at the Mall of Georgia is having a store closing and literally everything is 50%-70% off.. and let's get real, Harry Potter is srs bzness.

Anyway, I feel like that entire post was pretty much useless but I'm just making sure I post frequently enough so I get into the habit :) The CP feels SO CLOSE. I'm actually getting really excited - all those fears and doubts I had at the end of December seem to be slowly melting away, which is awesome. I also worked it out so I can stay with some family I have down there a day or two before check-in, so it will be cool to hang out with them.

I hope those of you in Orlando already are enjoying yourselves, and I can't wait to meet you there! (cue song)


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow makes me incredibly happy.

So I did some CP shopping today - I got hygiene stuff that I'd need, and hangers, and other miscellaneous items. I also got rain boots, which I'm pretty excited about.. the sad thing is I probably won't use them until I come back from Orlando because they'd be too hot to wear and I could just wear flip-flops or sandals instead, but I'm sure I'll use them when schooltime rolls back around.. boo on long walking distances between buildings..

Nothing else is really new.. I guess I'll start picking out what clothes I want to take (I'll probably end up taking the majority of them..) I dunno, I know I wouldn't really wear many other clothes other than t-shirts, PJs, and my uniform, but still. It's nice to have options. And I'm generally a light packer so I'm not too worried about it.. I just have to get around to it haha. I'm getting so excited! Still kind of scared. But excited too.

Nothing to say other than that - oh, and that it snowed today. It probably won't stick though.. it makes me miss Utah (for those of you who don't know, which I assume will be pretty much all of you, I spent the majority of my childhood in Utah, near Salt Lake). In about two years my whole family is planning to spend Christmas together at my Aunt's house in Arizona, so I was thinking that's enough time to figure out a side trip to Utah somehow. I hope. I'd really love to visit my old hometown. And to go sledding again, even though it would be the most pathetic sledding ever because I'd probably be by myself hahah. Oh well. It'd be worth it. :)

Rant over! Haha sorry. I hope you guys have had a wonderful day, peace & loooots of love!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And if our God is with us, then who can stand against?

Oh my gosh, I feel like I've lived months since my last blog post hahah. Sorry I wasn't able to update, I was at Passion 2010 in Atlanta this past four days and have been wiped out.. I mean aside from the fact that I didn't take my computer, because I knew I'd be wiped out haha. Anyway, Passion was AMAZING. GOD is AMAZING. If you want to check out a main session from Passion just click HERE - but just know that they're only up 24 hours after being posted so you'll have to check them out soon :) But trust me, they are worth it. And I'll copy Katie, too: click HERE to check out what God did through Passion's 22,000 college students. Amazing.

When I got back, George was scared of me.. probably because I was screaming at him how much I missed him and he hadn't seen me in four days.. but it makes me sad, because if that happens after four days, what will happen after six to seven months? :( Oh well. He's fine now and made biscuits a few minutes ago, and is now curled up underneath my covers.

I have nothing new to really post except for Passion stuff and I already did that, for the most part.. my CP starts in 30 days, according to my ticker - all of which will be cherished before I leave because as I was gone I realized all the comforts at home that I don't appreciate nearly as much as I should. I've got it good here, but I know I'll have other good things in Orlando too :)

I hope you guys have had a great weekend. And I hope it's warm where you are because it was straight up 15ยบ the other evening. In Georgia. Madness. And to all my friends who have already gone down to Orlando and checked in, I wish you luck as you get your adventure going :) Peace & Love!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year (and decade)!

Hello friends! I finally got the background color to the right shade, though I had to do it via html (yeah it's easy but I'm also quite lazy..) so hopefully now it's not so.. you know, visually annoying.

ANYWAY. I had a really fun night bringing in the new year with Katie and Ivy: we got dressed up and played with Ivy's new Wii, drank sparkling beverages (non-alcoholic, don't worry :) ), watched the Disney Channel and then later watched the ball drop (in both the ATL and NYC. Snazzy.) Hopefully you guys had a fun (and safe!) new year's eve! I don't know about y'all but it doesn't even seem like 2009 happened; it feels like I just floated through the whole year as if it were a dream or something. Weird. And isn't it weird that it's the end of the decade? I was 10 years old when we entered y2k, that is NUTS. I basically went through my teens in the first decade of the millennium though (millennia? millennium? It's 5am, I can't think haha) though so that's pretty cool, I guess haha. Hopefully this new year/decade will bring even cooler things, though :)

Also in one day, Passion 2010 commences! I'm really excited, even moreso since I didn't know I'd be going until a day or so ago :) REALLY excited for that!

And in CP news, I have exactly one month until my CP begins. That is surreal. I'm kind of getting scared, backing out wouldn't really surprise me. But I know it will be worth it all in the end, so I'll stick to it :) And I'll get to see my online CP friends soon! Exciting!

Until then, sorry my posts are so boring! Only a few more weeks for the adventure to begin :)

PS: This is my cat George. He's my baby :) I figure it might be good to have an idea of what he looks like since I'll likely be whining about how much I miss him haha. That is, if you are able to stick with me for that long hahah.